
Pronúncia: bulɛ́
    verb transitiu
  1. to want, wish (for).
  2. quin vols? which one do you want?
  3. no en vull més I don’t want any more.
  4. què més vols? what else do you want?
  5. quant en vols, d’això? how much do you want for it?
  6. vols obrir la porta? will you open the door?
  7. com vostè vulgui as you (wish \ please).
  8. vine quan vulguis come when you like.
  9. vulguis o no vulguis willy-nilly, whether you like it or not.
  10. voler i doler to be in two minds about something.
  11. ho vaig fer sense voler I didn’t mean it, I did it by mistake.
  12. voler és poder where there’s a will there’s a way.
  13. sembla que vol ploure it looks as if it’s going to rain.
  14. aquest llibre sembla que vol caure it looks as if this book is going to fall.
  15. què vol dir aquesta paraula? what does this word mean?
  16. què vols dir, amb això? what do you mean by that?
  17. vols dir? are you sure?
  18. voler fer alguna cosa to (want \ wish) to do something.
  19. voler que algú faci una cosa to want someone to do something.
  20. no va voler dir res he did not want to say anything, he refused to talk.
  21. aquest vol que li trenquin la cara this one is asking for a crack on the head.
  22. [cosa] to need, want.
  23. to demand.
  24. aquesta paret vol una capa de pintura this wall needs a coat of paint.
  25. aquesta ofensa vol una reparació this slight requires an apology.
  26. aquestes plantes volen aigua these plants (want \ need) water.
  27. és un mal que no vol problemes it’s an illness that requires rest.
  28. masculí
  29. will, willpower.
  30. wish.