| -a

Pronúncia: tɔ́rt
  1. twisted, bent.
  2. crooked.
  3. askew.
  4. [carrer, etc.] crooked, twisty, full of turns.
  5. el quadre és tort the picture is (askew \ not straight).
  6. portava el barret una mica tort he wore his hat a bit askew.
  7. anar de tort [un borratxo] to reel about, stagger along.
  8. masculí
  9. damage.
  10. hurt, harm, injury.
  11. fer un tort a un amic to (damage \ harm) a friend.
  12. reparar un tort to make good.
  13. a tort locució adverbial unjustly, unfairly.
  14. (ídem) wrongfully.
  15. a tort i a dret locució adverbial rightly or wrongly.
  16. (ídem) thoughtlessly, hastily.
  17. femení
  18. torsió.
  19. [d’un camí, etc.] bend, turn.
  20. [marrada] long way round, roundabout way.
  21. detour.
  22. femení plural
  23. bends, windings.
  24. caminar fent tortes to zigzag, twist and turn.