Pronúncia: tuká
verb transitiu
- to touch.
- to feel.
- to handle.
- música to play.
- [tambor] to play, beat.
- trompeta to play, blow, sound.
- tocar el piano to play the piano.
- figuradament to touch.
- tocar el cor a algú to touch someone’s heart.
- tocar terra to touch land.
- tocar fons to touch bottom, bump.
- [llebre, etc.] to hit, wing.
- [blanc, etc.] to hit
- tocar un cavall [amb el fuet, etc.] to (whip \ touch) up a horse
- toca ferro! figuradament i col·loquial touch wood!
- toca-la! your hand on it!, put it there!
- [afer, assumpte, qüestió] to touch on, refer to, allude to.
- el seu discurs no va tocar la qüestió religiosa his speech didn’t refer to the religious matter at all, the religious matter was not dealt with in his speech.
- [conseqüències] to suffer, undergo, come in for.
- ara en tocarem les conseqüències we shall suffer the consequences of all this.
- tocar a algú [una cosa] to fall to someone.
- li va tocar a ell the lot fell (on \ to) him, it fell to his lot.
- ens va tocar la grossa we won the big prize.
- [ser de la seva obligació o càrrec] to be one’s turn.
- a qui li toca? whose turn is it?
- em toca a mi it’s my turn (to play), it’s my go.
- et toca a tu de fer la guàrdia it’s your (turn \ go) to mount guard.
- [campana] to ring.
- to toll, peal.
- tocar a morts to toll (for a death).
- toquen a missa they are ringing the bell for mass.
- la campana toca a foc the bell sounds the fire alarm.
- [sirena, etc.] to sound
- [disc] to play.
- [hora del dia] to chime, strike.
- fer tocar amb la mà figuradament to show evidence.
- encara no em toca it’s not my turn yet.
- tocar el viu a algú to touch someone on the raw.
- tocar a penedits to repent, be repentant.
- tocar el botet a algú to worm a secret out of someone.
- tocar el dos col·loquial to beat it.
- tocar la corda sensible a algú to appeal to someone’s better nature.
- tocar moltes tecles to do too many things. verb intransitiu
- [ser una cosa en contacte amb una altra] to touch, be touching.
- la taula toca a la paret the table (touches \ is up against) the wall.
- també nàutica [arribar de pas en un punt] to call at, touch at.
- el vaixell no toca pas a Barcelona the ship does not call at Barcelona.
- a tocar locució adverbial close by.
- no tocar de peus a terra figuradament not to have one’s feet on the ground. verb pronominal
- [estar en contacte dues coses] to touch each other, be in contact.
- els extrems es toquen figuradament extremes meet, too far East is West.
- [vi etc.] to turn sour, go off.
- [fruita, etc.] to spoil, go rotten.
- tocar-se (de l’ala \ del bolet) to go barmy.
- (ídem) col·loquial go crazy.