
Pronúncia: rəmɔ́wɾə
    verb transitiu
  1. [objectes] to move round, change over, shift about.
  2. [terra] to turn over, dig up.
  3. [assumpte] to turn over, go into again.
  4. [obstacle, etc.] to remove
  5. [persona] to discharge, remove (from office).
  6. remoure cel i terra figuradament to move heaven and earth.


    El jardiner va remoure la terra perquè volia plantar-hi uns quants arbres. The gardener turned over the soil because he wanted to plant some trees.
    Havien entrat a robar. No hi havia res al seu lloc: ho havien remogut tot! Someone had broken in. Nothing was in its place, everything had been moved round!