| -a

Pronúncia: pɾím
  1. thin.
  2. [persona] slender, slight, slim.
  3. figuradament meager, scanty.
  4. small, poor.
  5. prim de salut frail, weak.
  6. un son molt prim a very light sleep.
  7. [primer] first.
  8. high.
  9. cosí prim second cousin.
  10. veu prima high-pitched voice.
  11. (anar \ venir) de prim to be on the verge (of).
  12. filar prim to split hairs.
  13. mirar prim to be finicky, fussy.
  14. no mirar prim to have no scruples.
  15. masculí plural
  16. alimentació, indústries alimentàries bran.