
Pronúncia: məʒó
  1. [part] main, major, larger.
  2. carrer major High Street.
  3. altar major high altar.
  4. plaça major (main \ principal) square.
  5. pal major nàutica mainmast.
  6. vela major mainsail.
  7. caça major big game.
  8. Ossa Major astronomia Great Bear.
  9. major d’edat of age, adult.
  10. música major.
  11. mode major música major mode.
  12. terça major música major third.
  13. [de rang etc.] head, chief.
  14. adjectiu comparatiu
  15. bigger, larger, greater (que than).
  16. [en edat] older (que than), elder.
  17. [en rang] senior (que to).
  18. adjectiu superlatiu
  19. també figuradament [en dimensió] biggest, largest, greatest.
  20. [en edat] oldest, eldest.
  21. [en rang] most senior.
  22. premissa major major premise.
  23. la major part dels habitants most of the inhabitants, the majority of the inhabitants.
  24. força major force majeure.
  25. (ídem) act of God.
  26. estat major, plana major ciències militars staff.
  27. (ídem) [en un partit polític] administrative staff.
  28. (ídem) [d’una corporació] top management.
  29. (ídem) figuradament persons in charge.
  30. ofici major cristianisme high mass.
  31. masculí i femení
  32. ciències militars major.
  33. masculí plural
  34. ancestors, forefathers.