Pronúncia: ɔ́ɾə
- hour.
- [d'una manera més general] time.
- mitja hora half an hour.
- durant dues hores for two hours.
- hores i hores hours and hours.
- a quina hora? at what time?
- quina hora és? what's the time?, what time is it?
- (ja) és l'hora! time
- és l'hora de + infinitiu it's time to + infinitiu.
- ja era hora! it was high time!, and about time too!
- hores extraordinàries overtime.
- falta mitja hora per (ser) les deu it's half past nine, there's still half an hour before ten o'clock.
- [amb preposicions] d'una hora lluny figuradament from a long way off.
- a hores d'ara by now.
- a primera hora (del matí) first thing in the morning.
- d'hora early.
- abans d'hora ahead of time.
- a l'hora on time.
- a altes hores de la matinada in the small hours.
- a bona hora opportunely.
- en bona hora arribes! what a time to turn up!
- a l'hora de dinar at lunch-time.
- a l'hora punta at (peak \ rush) hour.
- bon dia i bona hora good morning.
- bona nit i bona hora good night.
- a última hora at the last moment.
- l'hora fatal the fatal hour.
- a l'hora justa on the stroke of time.
- [amb verb] donar hora to fix a time, offer an appointment.
- li ha arribat l'hora his time has come.
- no veure l'hora to look forward to.
- anar a l'hora to be all right, work properly.
- tocar l'hora to strike (the hour).
- posar el rellotge a l'hora to set one's watch, put one's watch right.