
Pronúncia: gúst
  1. [sentit] taste.
  2. tenir el gust (fi \ delicat) to have a fine palate.
  3. [sabor] taste, flavour.
  4. no tenir gust de res [un menjar] to be tasteless.
  5. art etc. taste.
  6. style, fashion.
  7. bon gust good taste.
  8. mal gust bad taste.
  9. X és un home de gust X is a man of taste.
  10. Y vesteix amb gust Y dresses elegantly, Y has taste in dresses.
  11. és de molt mal gust it is bad form, it is in extraordinary bad taste.
  12. de bon gust in good taste.
  13. (d'acord amb \ segons) el gust d'avui in the taste of today, in the reigning fashion.
  14. segons el meu gust to my taste.
  15. [plaer] pleasure.
  16. amb molt de gust with (the very greatest) pleasure.
  17. (ídem) gladly, willingly.
  18. menjar de gust to eat heartily.
  19. que vagi de gust! (I hope you) enjoy your meal!
  20. troba gust a amoïnar-lo he likes to bother him.
  21. tenir el gust de + infinitiu to have the pleasure of + gerundi.
  22. venir de gust to appeal to, attract, take one's fancy.
  23. em ve de gust un gelat I feel like an ice cream, I fancy an ice cream.
  24. [en les presentacions] molt de gust!, tant de gust! how do you do?
  25. pleased to meet you.
  26. tinc molt de gust de conèixer-lo I'm very pleased to meet you.
  27. [preferència, afecció] liking (per for), taste.
  28. sentir gust per una cosa to have a taste for something.
  29. això no és del meu gust this is not to my liking.
  30. té un gust boig per les flors she has a liking for flowers, she has an eye for flowers.
  31. [manera de realitzar l'obra artística] style, manner.
  32. pintat al gust de Watteau painted in the Watteau manner.