Pronúncia: gótə
- drop.
- bead.
- [petita porció de líquid viscós] blob.
- gota a gota drop by drop.
- assemblar-se com dues gotes d'aigua to be as like as two peas in a pod.
- suar la gota negra col·loquial to sweat blood.
- la gota que fa vessar el vas figuradament the last straw (that breaks the camel's back).
- caure gotes meteorologia to drizzle, spot with rain. adverbi
- [utilizat amb , comprendre (utilizat amb , entendre, veure] ni gota not at all.
- no hi veig gota I can't see at all here, I can't make anything of it.
- no hi vèiem gota it was pitch dark.
- medicina drops pl.
- patologia gout.