
    verb transitiu
  1. [donar existència a una cosa, formar-la] to make, create.
  2. tecnologia to make, manufacture.
  3. [paret, casa] to build, construct.
  4. [vestit, etc.] to make.
  5. [obra d’art] to make.
  6. to fashion.
  7. [òpera, poema] to compose.
  8. [diners] to make, earn.
  9. [fum, etc.] to make, give off, emit, produce.
  10. [guerra] to fight, wage.
  11. [numerals] to make (up), amount to.
  12. 3 i 4 fan 7 3 and 4 make 7.
  13. fer un fill a una dona [engendrar] to get a girl with (a) child, put a girl in the family way.
  14. [parir, un animal] to calve.
  15. [pondre, un ocell] to lay.
  16. fer de cos [evacuar] to relieve oneself.
  17. fer una estàtua en marbre to (cut \ make) a statue out of marble.
  18. [crear] to create.
  19. [plantar, fer créixer] to plant.
  20. [produir, donar] to yield, bear, produce, give.
  21. [fornir] to supply, furnish, provide.
  22. [menjar, beure] to eat, drink, have.
  23. fer una cervesa to have a beer.
  24. [arranjar a un fi, preparar] to make, prepare.
  25. [llit] to make.
  26. [habitació] to do, clean.
  27. [menjar] to make, prepare, get, cook.
  28. [maleta, equipatge] to pack.
  29. [nus] to tie.
  30. comerç i mercat [balanç] to strike.
  31. fer a algú la barba to shave someone.
  32. fer a algú el cabell to do someone’s hair.
  33. [realitzar una acció] to do.
  34. [obra] to do, perform.
  35. [prodigi, etc.] to do, work, perform.
  36. fer bones obres to do good works.
  37. fer una bestiesa to do a silly thing, do something silly.
  38. fer compliments to stand on ceremony, be formal.
  39. [discurs, parlament] to make, deliver.
  40. [objecció] to make, raise.
  41. [pregunta] to put, ask.
  42. [visita] to pay.
  43. fer ús d’alguna cosa to make use of something.
  44. no sé què fer I don’t know what to do.
  45. [efectuar un moviment] to execute, perform, put into practice.
  46. fer una caminada to go for a walk.
  47. fer una passa to take a step.
  48. fer un salt to jump.
  49. [recórrer un indret, una contrada] to do.
  50. aquest estiu faré Europa this summer I’m going to (do \ visit) Europe.
  51. fer un badall [realitzar, efectuar] to yawn.
  52. fer un esternut to sneeze.
  53. fer l’ullet to wink (a at).
  54. fer-li a algú un petó to kiss someone.
  55. fer-li a algú pessigolles to tickle someone.
  56. fer una reverència to bow, curtsy.
  57. fer la sembra agricultura to sow.
  58. fer un crit to let out a yell.
  59. fer soroll to make noise.
  60. fer una rialla to smile.
  61. [estudiar] to do.
  62. to study, read.
  63. he fet anglès a l’escola I did English at school.
  64. fa medicina he’s studying medicine.
  65. fa dret he’s reading law.
  66. fer cinema to make films, be working for the cinema.
  67. fer esport to go in for sport.
  68. [causar un efecte] to cause, make.
  69. fer un remei el seu efecte to take effect.
  70. fer mal un menjar to disagree with.
  71. [ombra] to cast.
  72. l’arbre fa ombra the tree (gives shade \ casts a shadow).
  73. fer sensació figuradament to cause a sensation.
  74. fer goig to be nice to look at.
  75. [dir] to say.
  76. te’n vas demà?, va fer are you leaving tomorrow?, he said.
  77. [obrar d’acord amb una prescripció, comanda, etc.] to do.
  78. fer algú el seu deure to do one’s duty.
  79. fer dieta to diet, be on a diet.
  80. [ocasionar] to make, force, oblige, compel.
  81. feu-lo entrar show him in, have him come in.
  82. li vaig fer dir la veritat I made him tell the truth.
  83. fes-li veure que s’equivoca call his attention to the fact he’s wrong, give him to understand he’s wrong.
  84. no em facis esperar don’t keep me waiting.
  85. no el facis plorar don’t make him cry.
  86. fer construir una casa to (have \ get) a house built.
  87. Déu faci que arribi a temps! [ocasionar que alguna cosa s’esdevingui] heaven grant that he (may) come in time!
  88. feu que ells vinguin (arrange \ see to it) that they come.
  89. fer algú ambaixador [nomenar, causar un estat d'ànim] to nominate someone as ambassador, appoint someone ambassador.
  90. poca cosa el fa content he’s content with very little.
  91. [creure, suposar que algú o alguna cosa és això o allò] to imagine, think, assume.
  92. jo el feia més pobre que no és I made him out to be poorer than he is.
  93. el feien mort he was (alleged \ given out) to be dead.
  94. ja et feia a París, jo I (thought \ assumed) you were in Paris.
  95. fer el malalt [imitar alguna cosa en la seva manera de ser] to sham illness.
  96. fer el mort to be shamming dead.
  97. fer el sord col·loquial to pretend not to hear, turn a deaf ear.
  98. fer el pagès col·loquial to pretend not to (hear \ understand) to act dumb, not let on.
  99. [com a substitut del verb en repeticions] to do.
  100. ell se’n va anar i jo vaig fer el mateix he left and I did the same.
  101. no fa (altra cosa) sinó llegir he does nothing but read all day.
  102. quant fa això? [mesurar] how much does that come to?
  103. aquest pollastre fa 3 kg this chicken weighs 3 kg.
  104. quants anys li fas? how old do you think he is?
  105. [ser propi de, produir la sensació de] to be peculiar (de to).
  106. to be special \ characteristic \ typical) (de of).
  107. verb intransitiu
  108. to act, behave.
  109. to pretend.
  110. fes com vulguis do as you please.
  111. com fa, aquella cançó? [ser, una cosa, d’una determinada manera] how does that song go?
  112. anar fent to get by, manage.
  113. [ser suficient, haver-n’hi prou] to be enough, be sufficient, suffice.
  114. tant me fa [ser indiferent alguna cosa a algú] I don’t mind.
  115. no hi fa res that makes no difference, never mind.
  116. què hi fa? what does it matter?, who cares?
  117. què vols que hi faci? how can I help it?
  118. [amb preposició] fer (a \ per a) to be suitable, be fitting (for).
  119. això no fa al cas this is beside the point.
  120. fer amb to (accord \ agree \ harmonize \ tally) with, correspond to.
  121. això no fa amb el seu caràcter this does not (square \ fit in) with his character, this is not in keeping with his character.
  122. fer de [exercir un ofici] to work as.
  123. (ídem) [exercir eventualment un càrrec, ofici, etc.] to take the place of, act for, stand in for.
  124. (ídem) to serve as, do duty as.
  125. (ídem) teatre act, play the part of.
  126. (ídem) [procurar] to try to + infinitiu.
  127. fer de mestre [exercir un ofici] to work as a schoolteacher.
  128. quan arribis, fes de veure’l when you come try to see him.
  129. fer per [esforçar-se a] to try + infinitiu, make an effort + infinitiu.
  130. fer tard to be late.
  131. fer com si… to act as if….
  132. fa? will it do?, is it all right?
  133. verb impersonal
  134. meteorologia ago.
  135. quin temps fa? what is the weather like?
  136. fa bo, fa bon temps it’s fine, the weather is (fine \ good).
  137. fa sol the sun is shining.
  138. fa (molta) calor it’s (very) hot.
  139. fa (molt de) fred it’s (very) cold.
  140. [de temps] ago.
  141. fa quatre anys four years ago.
  142. se’n va anar fa tres dies it’s three days since he left, he left three days ago.
  143. no fa (pas) gaire not long ago.
  144. verb pronominal
  145. to be made, be done.
  146. això no es fa! that’s not done!
  147. es va fer tallar els cabells she had her hair cut.
  148. fer-se (fer) un vestit to have a suit made.
  149. fer-se (fer) un retrat to have one’s portrait painted.
  150. fer-se afaitar to have a shave, have oneself shaved.
  151. [desenvolupar-se] to develop, mature.
  152. [adaptar-se, acostumar-se] to get (used \ accustomed) to.
  153. fer-se a + infinitiu to get used to + gerundi, become accustomed to + gerundi.
  154. fer-se a la fatiga to become inured to fatigue.
  155. fer-se amb algú to frequent someone.
  156. (ídem) to be friends with someone.
  157. no ens hi fem we don’t mix with them.
  158. ell i jo no ens fem he and I are not friends.
  159. [adquirir nom, reputació] to make a name for oneself.
  160. [esdevenir] to become, grow.
  161. to turn (into), come to be.
  162. fer-se gran to (grow \ get) tall.
  163. fer-se vell to (become \ grow \ get) old.
  164. fer-se soldat to become a soldier.
  165. fer-se catòlic to turn Roman Catholic.
  166. to become a Christian, be converted to Christianity.
  167. es van fer amics they became friends.
  168. es va fent fosc night is falling, it’s getting dark.
  169. es fa tard it’s (growing \ getting) late.
  170. [en frases fetes]
  171. l’has feta bona! irònicament a fine mess you’ve made of it!
  172. fer-ne una de les seves to get up to one’s old tricks.
  173. fer a mans to deliver, hand (over \ in).
  174. fer de resposta to answer, reply to.
  175. fer el que pot (un hom) to do one’s best.
  176. fer llàstima to be pitiful, rouse to pity.
  177. fer malbé to damage, spoil.
  178. fer i desfer to be all-powerful, rule the roost.
  179. fer seva una cosa (algú) to get hold of, seize, take possession of.
  180. fer temps to kill time.
  181. (ídem) to while away the time, mark time.
  182. fet i fet after all, at (long) last, finally, in the end, when all is said and done.
  183. si fa (o) no fa nearly, about, approximately.
  184. pel que fa a… as for…, concerning…, with regard to….
  185. qui no fa quan pot no fa quan vol col·loquial to take one’s chance, seize one’s opportunity.
  186. fer proa a nàutica to head for, set a course for.
  187. fer-se a la mar to put to sea.
  188. fer-se a la vela to set sail, get under way.

  189. Vegeu també: