
Pronúncia: əmfilá
    verb transitiu
  1. [agulles] to thread.
  2. [boles, perles, etc.] to string
  3. [amb espasa, llança] to run through.
  4. figuradament to take, go along.
  5. enfileu la carretera i hi arribareu abans take the road and you’ll get there sooner.
  6. verb pronominal
  7. to climb (up, on, to), get to the top of, clamber (up).
  8. botànica to creep, climb.
  9. figuradament [per poder, càrrecs, etc.] to climb
  10. [d’excitació, ira, etc.] to be carried away
  11. no t’enfilis! keep cool!