Pronúncia: kɾɛ́w
- [sentit general] cross.
- [de moneda] tails pl.
- figuradament cross, burden.
- [d’espasa] hilt.
- [d’àncora] crown.
- [d’arbre] fork.
- creu gammada swastika.
- en creu cross-shaped, crosswise.
- Creu del Sud Southern Cross.
- Creu Roja Red Cross.
- amb els braços en creu with arms outstretched.
- fer-se creus figuradament to be astonished, be speechless.
- cara o creu heads or tails.
- creu llatina Latin Cross.
- creu grega Greek Cross.
- tots portem la nostra creu figuradament we all have a cross to bear.
- fer la creu (i ratlla) a algú o alguna cosa figuradament to finish with someone or something, not to want to know anything more (of \ about).
- no tenir una creu per a tapar-se un ull figuradament to be broke, be skint.
- senyal de la creu cristianisme sign of the cross.