Pronúncia: kɔ́zə
- thing.
- matter.
- alguna cosa something.
- una altra cosa anything else, something else.
- poca cosa nothing much.
- bona cosa a lot.
- cosa de about.
- no és pas gran cosa it’s not important.
- (ídem) it isn’t up to much.
- quina cosa més estranya! how strange! most odd!
- no és cosa de riure it’s no laughing matter.
- no hi ha tal cosa! nothing of the sort!
- com qui no vol la cosa tentatively.
- (ídem) unobtrusively, surreptitiously.
- no és cosa de l’altre món it’s nothing out of this world.
- o una cosa o l’altra one or the other.
- entre altres coses among other things.
- anar al fons de les coses to get to the bottom of things. plural
- figuradament odd ideas, wild notions.
- coses d’Espanya! that’s typical of Spain!, what else can you expect in Spain!
- coses de la Maria! that’s typical of Maria!, that’s Maria all over!