
Pronúncia: kunɛ́ʃə
    verb transitiu
  1. to know (about), understand.
  2. [primera volta] to meet, get to know.
  3. conèixer algú de vista to know someone by sight.
  4. el vaig conèixer a Barcelona I met him in Barcelona.
  5. no coneixen el seu ofici they don’t know their job.
  6. donar a conèixer to introduce, present.
  7. (ídem) [informació] to release, leak.
  8. donar-se a conèixer to make a name for oneself.
  9. [reconèixer] to recognize, know, tell, distinguish.
  10. l’he conegut amb la veu I’ve recognized him by his voice.
  11. Bíblia to know.
  12. verb intransitiu
  13. conèixer de to know of.
  14. dret to try.
  15. com vós conegueu antic as you please.
  16. verb pronominal
  17. [una persona] to know oneself.
  18. [dues persones] to know each other, recognize each other.
  19. com es coneix que vas anar a París it is obvious that you have been to Paris.
  20. per la cara se li coneix que ha plorat you can tell by her face that she’s been crying.