Pronúncia: káp
- towards, to, (at) about.
- vine cap aquí come over here.
- tombar cap a la dreta to turn right.
- cap amunt up, upwards.
- cap avall down, downwards.
- vaig cap a casa I’m going home.
- cap al migdia about noon.
- anem cap allà let’s go (in that direction \ over that way).
- cap al tard locució adverbial in the evening. adjectiu
- [suposició, interrogació] any.
- [negació] any, no.
- no té cap germà he has no brothers, he hasn’t any brothers.
- te n’ha donat cap prova? has he given you any proof of it?
- si cap noi t’ho preguntava no li ho diguis if any boy asked you, don’t tell him. pronom
- any, anyone.
- cap d’ells no ho ha entès none of them has understood.
- de poma, no en tinc cap I have no apples. masculí
- figuradament anatomia head.
- [judici, talent] head, brain, intellect, mind.
- [individu] head.
- [capitost] head.
- [dirigent, líder] leader, chief.
- [punta, extrem] end, bit.
- [punta inservible] stub, stump, butt, down.
- geografia cape, point.
- [de blat] head.
- [corda] rope.
- cap atòmic atomic warhead.
- cap magnètic magnetic head.
- cap (buit \ d’ase \ de carbassa) idiot.
- cap (boig \ calent \ de trons \ fluix \ verd \ de pardals) scatterbrain.
- cap de turc scapegoat.
- caps d’ase botànica lavender.
- cap d’any New Year’s Day.
- cap de setmana weekend.
- cap de (casa \ família) head of the family.
- cap de dol head mourner.
- mal de cap headache.
- redactor en cap editor-in-chief.
- rentar-se el cap to wash one’s hair.
- té el cap blanc his hair is white.
- li van pelar el cap they shaved his hair off.
- em roda el cap my head (swims \ is swimming).
- el xampany m’ha pujat al cap the champagne went to my head.
- abaixar el cap figuradament to give in.
- alçar el cap figuradament to pick up.
- (ídem) [malalt] to recover, perk up.
- (ídem) [recobrar l’ànim] to take courage.
- anar cap (baix \ cot) to go head downwards.
- (ídem) figuradament to feel low.
- perdre el cap to lose one’s head.
- que has perdut el cap? have you taken leave of your senses?
- on tinc el cap? what am I thinking about?
- se me n’ha anat del cap, m’ha fugit del cap it’s gone out of my head.
- em balla pel cap que… I have the idea that….
- duia de cap escriure una novel·la he took it into his head to write a novel.
- fa tot el que li passa pel cap he does whatever comes to his mind.
- (ídem) he always wants to get his own way.
- escalfar-li a algú el cap to brainwash someone, to egg someone on.
- omplir-li a algú el cap to fill someone’s head (de, amb with).
- m’ha posat el cap com un timbal he talked my head off.
- trencar-se el cap figuradament to rack one’s brain.
- tenir el cap a tres quarts de quinze to have one’s head in the clouds.
- tenir pardals al cap, no tenir res al cap to be empty-headed.
- fer el cap viu to be alert.
- tenir el cap dur to be thick-headed.
- fer un cop de cap to make up one’s mind.
- fer un cap nou a algú to beat someone to a pulp.
- tants caps tants barrets so many men so many minds.
- no té ni cap ni peus [projecte, explicació] there’s nothing to it, that’s all nonsense.
- cap per amunt locució adverbial standing upright.
- cap per avall locució adverbial upside down.
- de cap a peus locució adverbial figuradament from head to toe.
- està equivocat de cap a peus it’s wrong from beginning to end.
- això no treu cap (a res \ enlloc) that’s off the point, that’s irrelevant.
- lligar caps to tie up the loose ends, put two and two together.
- llana de tres caps three-ply wool.
- posar dues coses cap per cap to put two things end to end.
- ja som al cap del carrer! figuradament let’s the matter drop!, that’s the end of it!
- al cap i a la fi locució adverbial at long last, in the end, after all, when all is said and done.
- pel cap baix locució adverbial at least.
- pel cap alt locució adverbial at the most.
- al cap de locució preposicional after.
- fer una cosa de cap i de nou to start something all over again.
- al cap d’una estona after a while.
- al cap d’un any a year (after \ later).
- de cap a cap locució adverbial from beginning to end, from one end to the other.
- cap de partit county town.
- cap de govern head of (the) government.
- cap d’estat head of state.