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Pronúncia: kúrt
  1. [d’espai] short.
  2. [de temps] brief, short.
  3. anar curt to wear a short skirt.
  4. curt de cames short-legged.
  5. curt (d’enteniment \ de gambals) dull-witted.
  6. [subministrament, etc.] scant, scanty.
  7. inadequate.
  8. defective.
  9. small.
  10. curt de vista shortsighted.
  11. curt de diners short of money.
  12. anar curt de to be short of.
  13. [de seny] silly, foolish, stupid.
  14. adverbi
  15. short.
  16. fer curt to run short of.
  17. tallar curt to cut short.