
Pronúncia: bɛ́wɾə
    verb transitiu
  1. [sentit general] to see.
  2. el vaig veure sortir per la finestra I saw him coming out through the window.
  3. no veig res I can see nothing, I can’t see anything.
  4. [visitar] to see, visit.
  5. anar a veure algú to go (to \ and) see someone.
  6. [percebre, constatar] to see, realize (also realise UK).
  7. ara veig el meu error now I see my mistake.
  8. [entendre] to see, understand.
  9. ho veus? do you see?, (do you) get it?
  10. ja ho veig I see.
  11. ja ho veuràs you’ll see.
  12. ja ho veurem we’ll see (about that).
  13. no veus que…? don’t you see that…?
  14. tal com vam veure a la classe d’ahir as we saw in the lecture yesterday.
  15. no veig clar per què ho va dir I don’t really see why he said it.
  16. a la meva manera de veure-ho in my view, as I see it.
  17. [examinar, considerar] to look into, examine, consider.
  18. to inquire into.
  19. hem de veure com ho farem we have to consider how we’ll do it.
  20. fer-se veure to draw attention to oneself.
  21. fer veure [una cosa] to point out, prove.
  22. fer veure que to pretend.
  23. fer com que no ho veus to turn a blind eye.
  24. no el puc veure I can’t stand him, I hate him.
  25. no té res a veure (amb) it has nothing to do (with).
  26. vet (aquí \ ací) here is, here are.
  27. vet-lo aquí here he comes.
  28. verb pronominal
  29. [dues persones] to see each other, meet.
  30. ara quasi no ens veiem we hardly see (anything of) each other nowadays.
  31. [una persona] to see oneself.
  32. darrerament se’l veu molt en el bar lately he’s been seen very often in the pub.
  33. mai no s’havia vist un embolic semblant it was the biggest mess ever seen.
  34. [trobar-se] to find oneself, be.
  35. veure’s en un destret to be in a jam.
  36. no hi veu de cap ull he’s totally blind.
  37. no veure-hi més enllà del nas not to see further than the end of one’s nose.