
Pronúncia: tɾəβáʎ
  1. [en general] work.
  2. mecànica work.
  3. un treball job, task.
  4. art i literatura etc. work, piece of work.
  5. permís de treball work permit.
  6. treball a preu fet piecework.
  7. treballs forçats hard labour.
  8. treball intel·lectual brainwork.
  9. treball manual manual (work \ labour).
  10. treballs manuals ensenyament etc. handicrafts.
  11. tenir un treball [accident] to have a queer turn, be taken ill suddenly.
  12. masculí plural
  13. figuradament troubles, difficulties, hardships.
  14. passar treballs to have difficulties (a + infinitiu in + gerundi).