
Pronúncia: tiɾá
    verb transitiu
  1. [fer força de tracció] to pull, tug; to draw (along), haul.
  2. [corda, etc.] to pull (on), tug (at).
  3. [atraure] to draw, attract.
  4. figuradament to draw, pull, have a pull.
  5. to appeal.
  6. la pàtria sempre tira one’s native land always exerts a powerful pull.
  7. no m’ha tirat mai la història history does not (attract \ appeal to) me.
  8. [línia] to draw, trace, rule.
  9. figuradament [pla, projecte] to forge, shape, make.
  10. tirar pel dret to go straight to.
  11. (ídem) figuradament to act resolutely.
  12. aquesta roba tira 2 m [tenir una longitud determinada] this cloth (is 2 m in length \ has a length of 2 m).
  13. [desplaçar, moure] to move, shift.
  14. [llançar] to throw.
  15. to hurl, fling, cast, sling.
  16. [sense voler] to drop.
  17. to knock (over \ down).
  18. tirar a terra [edifici, etc.] to pull down
  19. tirar sucre al cafè to add sugar to the coffee.
  20. [carta] to post, put in the post, mail.
  21. [daus] to cast.
  22. [canonada] to fire, shoot.
  23. [coet] to fire, launch.
  24. [bomba] to drop.
  25. [espasa] to wield.
  26. to brandish.
  27. fotografia to take a photo (de of), photograph.
  28. tipografia to print, run off.
  29. tirar a l’esquena [feina, càrrec, etc.] not to bother about
  30. n’hi ha per a tirar el barret al foc figuradament it’s enough to make you give up.
  31. tirar una cosa en cara a algú figuradament to reproach someone for something, cast something in someone’s teeth.
  32. tirar-hi terra damunt figuradament to hush an affair up.
  33. (ídem) to forget about a matter.
  34. tirar la casa per la finestra figuradament to go to enormous expense.
  35. (ídem) to roll out the red carpet for someone.
  36. (ídem) to squander one’s money.
  37. tirar les cartes to tell fortunes by cards.
  38. verb intransitiu
  39. tirar a l’esquerra to go off to the left, turn left.
  40. tirar per un carrer to go off along a street, turn down a street.
  41. figuradament [tenir tendència, tendir] to tend (to \ towards).
  42. tirar per a metge to have an inclination towards a medical career, be attracted towards a career in medicine.
  43. tirar a vermell to have some red in it, have a touch of red about it.
  44. [d’una xemeneia, etc.] to draw
  45. [durar amb més o menys dificultats] to last, wear (well).
  46. aquest vestit encara tirarà un altre hivern this dress will last out another winter.
  47. anar tirant col·loquial to get along, manage.
  48. anem tirant we manage, we keep going.
  49. tira! interjecció wow!
  50. verb pronominal
  51. to (throw \ hurl) oneself.
  52. tirar-se a l’aigua to (dive \ plunge) into the water.
  53. tirar-se algú to mock someone.
  54. (ídem) vulgarment to screw someone.
  55. tirar-se endarrere to step back.
  56. tirar-se a terra to throw oneself to the ground.
  57. tirar-se per una finestra to throw oneself out of a window, jump from a window.
  58. tirar-se per un precipici to throw oneself over a cliff.
  59. tirar-se en paracaigudes to parachute (down).
  60. (ídem) [en cas d’emergència] to bale out.
  61. tirar-se al llit to lie down on one’s bed (for a while).
  62. tirar-s’hi de cap figuradament to plunge into it.