Pronúncia: tiɾá
verb transitiu
- [fer força de tracció] to pull, tug; to draw (along), haul.
- [corda, etc.] to pull (on), tug (at).
- [atraure] to draw, attract.
- figuradament to draw, pull, have a pull.
- to appeal.
- la pàtria sempre tira one’s native land always exerts a powerful pull.
- no m’ha tirat mai la història history does not (attract \ appeal to) me.
- [línia] to draw, trace, rule.
- figuradament [pla, projecte] to forge, shape, make.
- tirar pel dret to go straight to.
- (ídem) figuradament to act resolutely.
- aquesta roba tira 2 m [tenir una longitud determinada] this cloth (is 2 m in length \ has a length of 2 m).
- [desplaçar, moure] to move, shift.
- [llançar] to throw.
- to hurl, fling, cast, sling.
- [sense voler] to drop.
- to knock (over \ down).
- tirar a terra [edifici, etc.] to pull down
- tirar sucre al cafè to add sugar to the coffee.
- [carta] to post, put in the post, mail.
- [daus] to cast.
- [canonada] to fire, shoot.
- [coet] to fire, launch.
- [bomba] to drop.
- [espasa] to wield.
- to brandish.
- fotografia to take a photo (de of), photograph.
- tipografia to print, run off.
- tirar a l’esquena [feina, càrrec, etc.] not to bother about
- n’hi ha per a tirar el barret al foc figuradament it’s enough to make you give up.
- tirar una cosa en cara a algú figuradament to reproach someone for something, cast something in someone’s teeth.
- tirar-hi terra damunt figuradament to hush an affair up.
- (ídem) to forget about a matter.
- tirar la casa per la finestra figuradament to go to enormous expense.
- (ídem) to roll out the red carpet for someone.
- (ídem) to squander one’s money.
- tirar les cartes to tell fortunes by cards. verb intransitiu
- tirar a l’esquerra to go off to the left, turn left.
- tirar per un carrer to go off along a street, turn down a street.
- figuradament [tenir tendència, tendir] to tend (to \ towards).
- tirar per a metge to have an inclination towards a medical career, be attracted towards a career in medicine.
- tirar a vermell to have some red in it, have a touch of red about it.
- [d’una xemeneia, etc.] to draw
- [durar amb més o menys dificultats] to last, wear (well).
- aquest vestit encara tirarà un altre hivern this dress will last out another winter.
- anar tirant col·loquial to get along, manage.
- anem tirant we manage, we keep going.
- tira! interjecció wow! verb pronominal
- to (throw \ hurl) oneself.
- tirar-se a l’aigua to (dive \ plunge) into the water.
- tirar-se algú to mock someone.
- (ídem) vulgarment to screw someone.
- tirar-se endarrere to step back.
- tirar-se a terra to throw oneself to the ground.
- tirar-se per una finestra to throw oneself out of a window, jump from a window.
- tirar-se per un precipici to throw oneself over a cliff.
- tirar-se en paracaigudes to parachute (down).
- (ídem) [en cas d’emergència] to bale out.
- tirar-se al llit to lie down on one’s bed (for a while).
- tirar-s’hi de cap figuradament to plunge into it.