
Pronúncia: rəβəntá
    verb intransitiu
  1. [globus, etc.] to burst, pop, go off.
  2. to explode.
  3. [tub] to burst.
  4. [contingut] to burst forth, burst out.
  5. rebentar de figuradament to be bursting with.
  6. rebentar d’indignació to be bursting with indignation.
  7. verb transitiu
  8. [globus, etc.] to burst, explode, pop.
  9. [tub] to burst.
  10. [persona] to work to death, overwork, exhaust, wear out.
  11. familiarment to annoy, rile.
  12. em rebenta haver de fer això it riles me to have to do this.
  13. [fer una crítica acerba] to pull to pieces.
  14. [fer malbé] to do down, do serious harm to.
  15. estar rebentat to be (washed-out \ exhausted).
  16. verb pronominal
  17. to burst, explode.
  18. to pop.
  19. rebentar-se de riure to burst out laughing, split one’s sides.