
Pronúncia: pás
    [pl.: passos] masculí
  1. [moviment] step.
  2. [forma de moure’s] step, walk, gait, bearing.
  3. fer un pas to make a step.
  4. fer el primer pas figuradament to take the first step.
  5. fer un gran pas to make a great step forward.
  6. fer un pas endarrere to take a step backwards.
  7. fer un pas fals to make a (mistake \ blunder \ faux pas).
  8. a pas de (bou \ tortuga \ puça) at a snail’s pace.
  9. pas!, pas! make way!, stand aside!
  10. a passos comptats slowly and measuredly.
  11. de pas locució adverbial in passing.
  12. (ídem) locució adjectiva of passage.
  13. ocell de pas bird of passage.
  14. pas a pas step by step, little by little.
  15. seguir els passos d’algú to follow in someone’s footsteps.
  16. figuradament step, measure.
  17. vaig fer passos per informar-me’n I took steps to find out about it.
  18. [dansa] step.
  19. pas a dos pas de deux.
  20. ciències militars step, march.
  21. pas zebra zebra crossing.
  22. pas de vianants pedestrian crossing.
  23. pas d’oca goose-step.
  24. pas d’armes passage of arms.
  25. marcar el pas to mark time.
  26. a pas doble at the double.
  27. geografia pass, passage.
  28. gorge.
  29. way through.
  30. prohibit el pas no thoroughfare.
  31. servitud de pas right-of-way.
  32. pas a nivell level crossing.
  33. pas subterrani underpass, subway.
  34. el pas del temps the (passage \ passing) of time.
  35. [acció] passage, passing.
  36. crossing.
  37. migration.
  38. el pas de la Mar Roja pels israelites the Israelites’ crossing of the Red Sea.
  39. el pas del dia a la nit the turning of day into night.
  40. episode, incident, event.
  41. cristianisme [float representing part of the Passion of Christ carried in procession during the Holy Week].
  42. [d’hèlice] pitch.
  43. [de porta] threshold, doorstep.
  44. a pas de curs at a run.
  45. (apressar \ forçar \ cuitar) el pas to hasten one’s steps.
  46. tornar algú sobre els seus passos to retrace one’s steps.
  47. fer pas to make way.
  48. anar a bon pas to go at a good pace.
  49. obrir-se pas to (force \ open) a passage, get through.
  50. sortir al pas to (meet \ stop) on the way, waylay.
  51. sortir d’un mal pas to get out of a difficulty.

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