Pronúncia: ómbɾə
- [produïda per un objecte] shadow.
- ombres xineses shadow theatre.
- [a protecció, etc.] shade
- ombra i llum light and shade.
- 40° a l’ombra forty degrees in the shade.
- a l’ombra in the shade.
- restar a l’ombra figuradament to (remain \ stay) in the background.
- a l’ombra de in the shade of.
- (ídem) figuradament under the protection of.
- descansar a l’ombra d’un mur to rest (under \ in) the shade of a wall.
- fer ombra [arbre, etc.] to give shade
- (ídem) to cast a shadow.
- fer ombra a to shade.
- fer ombra a algú figuradament to put someone in the shade, eclipse someone.
- no vol que ningú li faci ombra he doesn’t want to be overshadowed by anybody else, he refuses to tolerate any rivals.
- no és ni l’ombra del que era he’s merely a shadow of his former self.
- art shaded (part \ area), dark part.
- figuradament ghost, shade, shadowy figure.
- figuradament [aparença] shadow.
- sign, trace.
- no tens ni l’ombra d’una possibilitat you have not the ghost of a chance.
- astronomia umbra. femení plural
- figuradament darkness, obscurity.
- figuradament ignorance.
- figuradament sombreness, pessimism.
- les ombres de la nit the shades of night.
- el regne de les ombres literatura the land of shadows.