Pronúncia: nɛ́ɣɾə
- [persona, color] black.
- dark.
- dark, swarthy.
- negre com l’atzabeja as black as ink.
- negre com el carbó as black as coal.
- negra nit pitch-dark.
- mercat negre black market.
- màgia negra black magic.
- bèstia negra pet hate, bugbear, black beast.
- [trist, malenconiós] sad.
- black, gloomy.
- [sort] awful, atrocious.
- passar-la negra to have a tough time of it.
- ho veu tot negre he’s terribly pessimistic about everything.
- veu molt negre el futur he’s very gloomy about the future.
- veure’s negre to be in a jam.
- veure’s negre per a + infinitiu to have one’s work cut out to + infinitiu.
- em vaig veure negre per a sortir-me’n I had a tough time getting out of it.
- treballar com un negre figuradament i col·loquial to work like a (black \ slave). masculí
- [color] black.
- negre animal animal charcoal.
- negre de fum lampblack.
- [persona] black. femení
- música crotchet US.
- quarter note.