| -a

Pronúncia: nɛ́ɣɾə
  1. [persona, color] black.
  2. dark.
  3. dark, swarthy.
  4. negre com l’atzabeja as black as ink.
  5. negre com el carbó as black as coal.
  6. negra nit pitch-dark.
  7. mercat negre black market.
  8. màgia negra black magic.
  9. bèstia negra pet hate, bugbear, black beast.
  10. [trist, malenconiós] sad.
  11. black, gloomy.
  12. [sort] awful, atrocious.
  13. passar-la negra to have a tough time of it.
  14. ho veu tot negre he’s terribly pessimistic about everything.
  15. veu molt negre el futur he’s very gloomy about the future.
  16. veure’s negre to be in a jam.
  17. veure’s negre per a + infinitiu to have one’s work cut out to + infinitiu.
  18. em vaig veure negre per a sortir-me’n I had a tough time getting out of it.
  19. treballar com un negre figuradament i col·loquial to work like a (black \ slave).
  20. masculí
  21. [color] black.
  22. negre animal animal charcoal.
  23. negre de fum lampblack.
  24. [persona] black.
  25. femení
  26. música crotchet US.
  27. quarter note.