Pronúncia: mól
- a lot of.
- much, great.
- fa molt temps a long time ago.
- amb molta valentia with much courage, with great courage. adjectiu plural
- molts many, lots of.
- (ídem) many.
- té molts diners he has (a lot of \ lots of) money.
- som molts there are a lot of us.
- són molts els que no volen there are many who don’t want to.
- hi ha molts conills there are lots of rabbits. pronom
- molts diuen que a lot of people say that. adverbi
- a lot, a great deal, much.
- molt més much more, a lot more.
- molt menys much less.
- molt pitjor much worse.
- toca molt he plays a lot, he plays a great deal.
- treballar molt to work hard.
- ve molt he comes a lot, he comes often.
- [utilitzat sol, en respostes] very.
- estàs cansat?... molt! are you tired?... (very \ I certainly am \ yes indeed)!
- [davant d’un adjectiu o un adverbi] very.
- greatly, highly.
- too.
- molt bo very good.
- molt content very happy, very glad.
- venir molt tard to come (too \ very) late.
- això és molt català that’s very Catalan, that’s typically Catalan.
- molt buscat much sought-after, highly-prized.
- molt i molt (ever) so much.
- per molt important que sigui however important it is.