Pronúncia: mərká
verb transitiu
- to mark.
- to brand, stamp.
- [terreny etc.] to mark off, mark out.
- [roba] to put one’s name on, embroider a name on.
- figuradament to mark, indicate, point to.
- [de termòmetre, etc.] to show, register, record, read, say.
- les busques marquen les 2 the hands point to 2 o’clock.
- el meu rellotge marca l’hora exacta my watch keeps exact time.
- el termòmetre marcava dos graus sota zero the thermometer registered two degrees below zero.
- música etc. [compàs, pas] to mark.
- [temps] to beat, keep.
- comerç i mercat to put a price on.
- també figuradament esports [punt, got] to score.
- [jugador contrari] to mark.
- telecomunicacions to dial.
- tipografia to lay on, feed, stroke in (the paper).
- [tasca] to assign, set.
- [política, directrius] to lay down.
- [números, etc.] to keep a tally of, keep a score of, record..