Pronúncia: ələβá
verb transitiu
- to raise, lift (up), elevate.
- [preus] to raise, put up.
- [producció] to step up.
- electricitat to boost.
- matemàtiques to raise.
- elevar a una potència to raise to a power.
- [persona] to promote.
- to exalt.
- [estil] to raise the tone of.
- [temple, estàtua] to erect, set up.
- elevar els pensaments cap a Déu to raise one’s thoughts to God.
- elevar un informe al ministre to report to the minister. verb pronominal
- to raise, go up.
- [edifici, etc.] to rise, soar, tower.
- to stand.
- el compte s’eleva a… the bill comes to…, the quantity amounts to….
- els preus s’han elevat prices have risen.