Pronúncia: kurén
- [aigua] running.
- [moneda, etc.] current, valid, accepted.
- compte corrent current account.
- preu corrent current price.
- l’any corrent the current year, the present year.
- el mes corrent the (present \ current) month. masculí
- current.
- stream, flow.
- contra corrent against the current.
- corrent d’aire draught.
- corrent d’aire calent flow of warm air.
- corrent de mar sea current.
- electricitat current.
- seguint el corrent with the current.
- figuradament fashion, trend, drift.
- course.
- estar al corrent de to be informed about, be aware of, be well up with.
- (ídem) comerç i mercat to be up to date in one’s payments.
- posar algú al corrent de to keep someone informed about, keep someone in touch with.
Just quan m’anava a dutxar, de cop i volta, ens quedem sense aigua corrent. We ran out of running water just as I was about to have a shower
Aquest tipus d’accident és molt corrent en aquesta època de l’any. This kind of accident is extremely common at this time of year