
Pronúncia: kunsɛ́ʎ
  1. advice.
  2. un consell a piece of advice.
  3. (ídem) a hint.
  4. council, cabinet.
  5. comerç i mercat board.
  6. dret tribunal, court.
  7. consell d’administració board of directors.
  8. consell de disciplina disciplinary board.
  9. consell de guerra court martial.
  10. consell de ministres cabinet, cabinet meeting.
  11. consell municipal town council.
  12. Consell d’Europa Council of Europe.
  13. Consell de Seguretat [ONU] Security Council.
  14. prendre consell d’algú to take someone’s advice.
  15. demanar consells a algú to ask someone for advice.
  16. (per \ a) consell d’altri on the advice of other people.