
Pronúncia: káwɾə
    verb transitiu
  1. to fall off, fall out.
  2. to drop down.
  3. aeronàutica to crash, come down.
  4. caure a terra to fall to the ground.
  5. la casa cau the building is falling down.
  6. cau neu it is snowing.
  7. he vist caure un llamp I saw a lightning strike.
  8. caure a plom to fall vertical(ly).
  9. caure a trossos (a parracs \ a miques) to fall to pieces, come apart.
  10. estar per caure, si cau no cau to be about to fall.
  11. (ídem) figuradament to be about to happen, be due to happen.
  12. deixar caure figuradament to insinuate, hint at, imply.
  13. (ídem) to slip a comment.
  14. deixar caure algú to let someone down.
  15. deixar caure alguna cosa to drop something, allow something to fall.
  16. el gerro s’ha trencat: l’he deixat caure the jug went to pieces: I dropped it.
  17. deixar-se caure to let oneself go, let oneself fall.
  18. deixar-se caure en una butaca to (drop \ sink) into an armchair.
  19. fer caure to knock down, knock off, push over, cause to fall.
  20. això cau pel seu propi pes that’s obvious, that goes without saying.
  21. caure alguna cosa dels núvols figuradament to come as a godsend.
  22. un llibre que cau de les mans a boring book.
  23. caure (de l’escambell \ del candeler) figuradament to fall, lose one’s (importance \ influence, etc.).
  24. caure de la memòria to be forgotten.
  25. caure a algú les ales del cor to become suddenly discouraged.
  26. caure alguna cosa a sobre d’algú també figuradament to fall something on someone.
  27. totes les sospites cauen sobre ell all suspicions fall on him.
  28. aquesta casa em cau a sobre també figuradament it’s unpleasant for me to live in this house (because of its loneliness, etc.).
  29. caure al mar to fall into sea.
  30. caure en un parany to fall for it, fall into a trap.
  31. caure en mans d’algú to fall into someone’s hands.
  32. caure en desgràcia to fall into disgrace.
  33. caure en error to fall into error.
  34. caure (en desús \ en oblit) to fall into disuse, become obsolete.
  35. l’estil epistolar ha caigut ben avall the epistolary style has sunk low.
  36. [cabells, domassos, etc.] to fall, hang down.
  37. to fall (in battle).
  38. ciències militars [ciutat] to fall, be captured.
  39. la ciutat va caure després de tres mesos de setge the town (fell \ was captured) after three months of blockade.
  40. el govern ha caigut the government has fallen.
  41. la maniobra dels conservadors ha fet caure el primer ministre the manoeuvre of conservatives has brought about the fall of prime minister.
  42. m’ha caigut a les mans aquest llibre I’ve come across this book.
  43. caure als peus d’algú to fling oneself at someone’s feet.
  44. caure sobre l’enemic to (attack \ fall on) the enemy.
  45. [sol, vent] to go down.
  46. va caure el vent the wind died away.
  47. [dia] to decline, go to its close.
  48. [nit] to fall, close in.
  49. al caure de la tarda at nightfall.
  50. [lloc] to fall, lie, be located.
  51. Sant Pol cau més cap al nord Sant Pol lies further to the north.
  52. [data, esdeveniment] to fall.
  53. aquest any Nadal cau en dissabte this year Christmas falls on a Saturday.
  54. [efecte, impressió] aquesta pregunta no li ha caigut bé this question did not make a good impression on him, this question was not well received by him.
  55. una faldilla que cau (bé \ malament) confecció a skirt that (hangs \ sits) (well \ bad).
  56. caure bé [vestit] to suit, look well on.
  57. li queia malament el vestit the suit did not fit him, the suit was not right for him.
  58. caure en alguna cosa to realize.
  59. no hi caic I don’t get it.
  60. ja hi caic I see, now I understand.
  61. caure a algú l’ànima als peus col·loquial to get disillusioned, lose one’s illusions.
  62. (ídem) to be disappointed.
  63. (ídem) to have one’s hopes destroyed.
  64. caure rodó to fall in a heap.
  65. caure malalt to fall ill.
  66. caure mort to fall dead.
  67. caure (de fatiga \ de son) to be ready to drop (with fatigue \ with sleep).
  68. caure de vell to be so old one can hardly walk.
  69. caure escales avall to fall downstairs.
  70. deixar-se caure en un indret to come, arrive, drop in.
  71. sol deixar-se caure per aquí he usually comes here.
  72. tot li cau bé everything is immaterial to him, everything makes no difference to him.
  73. no tenir on caure mort not to have a penny to one’s name.