Pronúncia: kəlá
verb transitiu
- [xarxa, vela] to cast, throw, lower.
- [amarar] to soak, drench.
- to soak into, saturate, permeate.
- [foc] to set on fire, set fire to.
- figuradament [persona] to (size \ weigh) up, see through.
- [secret] to fathom.
- [baioneta, etc.] to fix
- [planxa] to do fretwork on.
- [roba] to do openwork on.
- l’aigua li calava el vestit the water soaked her dress.
- calar foc to set fire.
- ja ens ha calat! col·loquial he’s rumbled us! verb intransitiu
- to (sink \ soak) in.
- nàutica to draw.
- aquest noi no cala gaire figuradament this boy doesn’t understand much. verb pronominal
- to get (soaked\drenched).
- mecànica to stop, stall.
- col·loquial to wolf, tuck away.
- calar-se la gorra fins les orelles to pull one’s cap (down \ on firmly).
- s’ha calat foc the fire has (taken \ caught).