
Pronúncia: kəlá
    verb transitiu
  1. [xarxa, vela] to cast, throw, lower.
  2. [amarar] to soak, drench.
  3. to soak into, saturate, permeate.
  4. [foc] to set on fire, set fire to.
  5. figuradament [persona] to (size \ weigh) up, see through.
  6. [secret] to fathom.
  7. [baioneta, etc.] to fix
  8. [planxa] to do fretwork on.
  9. [roba] to do openwork on.
  10. l’aigua li calava el vestit the water soaked her dress.
  11. calar foc to set fire.
  12. ja ens ha calat! col·loquial he’s rumbled us!
  13. verb intransitiu
  14. to (sink \ soak) in.
  15. nàutica to draw.
  16. aquest noi no cala gaire figuradament this boy doesn’t understand much.
  17. verb pronominal
  18. to get (soaked\drenched).
  19. mecànica to stop, stall.
  20. col·loquial to wolf, tuck away.
  21. calar-se la gorra fins les orelles to pull one’s cap (down \ on firmly).
  22. s’ha calat foc the fire has (taken \ caught).