
Pronúncia: buʎí
    [sense -eix] verb transitiu
  1. to boil.
  2. to cook.
  3. bulliu les cols cook the cabbages.
  4. bull l'aigua boil the water.
  5. verb intransitiu
  6. to boil.
  7. to bubble, seethe.
  8. [el mar, etc.] to seethe, rise, surge.
  9. figuradament to boil.
  10. bullir a poc a poc to simmer.
  11. deixar de bullir to stop boiling, go off the boil.
  12. començar a bullir to begin to boil, come to the boil.
  13. fer bullir alguna cosa to boil something.
  14. la multitud bullia al voltant d'ell figuradament people crowded round him.
  15. bullir de còlera figuradament to boil with anger.
  16. la sang li bullia figuradament his blood was up.
  17. fer bullir l'olla to keep the pot boiling.
  18. tenir per a fer bullir l'olla figuradament to have just enough to live on.