Pronúncia: bót
- [salt] bound, leap, jump, spring.
- [de pilota] bounce.
- [caça] decoy bird.
- ictiologia common mola, ocean sunfish.
- wineskin.
- waterskin.
- bot de gemecs bagpipe.
- anar a un indret en un bot to go somewhere (at one bound \ quickly).
- fer un bot figuradament to start.
- fer bot to be (bulky \ big).
- fer el bot to pout, to sulk, be sulky.
- (ídem) to pretend to be upset.
- ploure a bots i barrals figuradament to pour (down), to rain cats and dogs.
- tenir el bot ple de figuradament to be fed up with, be sick and tired of.
- rebentar el bot figuradament to lose one's temper.
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