
Pronúncia: bót
  1. [salt] bound, leap, jump, spring.
  2. [de pilota] bounce.
  3. [caça] decoy bird.
  4. ictiologia common mola, ocean sunfish.
  5. wineskin.
  6. waterskin.
  7. bot de gemecs bagpipe.
  8. anar a un indret en un bot to go somewhere (at one bound \ quickly).
  9. fer un bot figuradament to start.
  10. fer bot to be (bulky \ big).
  11. fer el bot to pout, to sulk, be sulky.
  12. (ídem) to pretend to be upset.
  13. ploure a bots i barrals figuradament to pour (down), to rain cats and dogs.
  14. tenir el bot ple de figuradament to be fed up with, be sick and tired of.
  15. rebentar el bot figuradament to lose one's temper.

  16. Vegeu també: