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Pronúncia: báʃ
  1. low.
  2. [persona] short, small.
  3. [part, costat] lower.
  4. [planta] ground.
  5. [terra] low.
  6. [aigua] shallow.
  7. [so] faint, soft.
  8. [veu] low.
  9. deep.
  10. en veu baixa in a low voice.
  11. [color] dull.
  12. pale.
  13. pejorativament common, ordinary.
  14. [qualitat] poor, low.
  15. [moralment] vile, base, mean.
  16. [barri] poorer, working-class.
  17. hora baixa in the evening.
  18. baix alemany Low German.
  19. la Terra Baixa the Lowlands.
  20. missa baixa arcaic Low Mass.
  21. amb el cap baix with bowed head, with head lowered.
  22. amb els ulls baixos with downcast eyes.
  23. el baix poble the common people.
  24. adverbi
  25. [posició] down below.
  26. [a casa] downstairs.
  27. música [tocar, cantar] quietly.
  28. [parlar] low, in a low voice.
  29. a baix below, down below.
  30. (ídem) [a casa] downstairs.
  31. interjecció
  32. a baix! down!
  33. a baix el feixisme! down with Fascism!
  34. de dalt a baix from top to bottom.
  35. mirar de dalt a baix figuradament to look down one's nose.
  36. a lower part of something.
  37. més baix, si us plau quieter, please.
  38. masculí plural
  39. arquitectura ground floor sing.
  40. els baixos dels pantalons the trouser turn-ups.
  41. baixos del vi dregs of wine.
  42. alts i baixos figuradament ups and downs.
  43. nàutica shallows.
  44. anar al baix to go from bad to worse.
  45. masculí
  46. nàutica shoal, sandbank.
  47. música bass.
  48. baix profund música basso profundo.
  49. baix cantant música bass singer, bass.
  50. anar al baix figuradament to go from bad to worse.