
Pronúncia: ətuɾá
    verb transitiu
  1. [moviment, acció] to stop.
  2. to hold up, check, delay.
  3. verb intransitiu
  4. to stop.
  5. to come to rest.
  6. to come to an end.
  7. [en un indret] to stay, put up, lodge (a, en at in).
  8. sempre aturem en aquest hotel we always stay at this hotel.
  9. he aturat tres mesos a París I stayed in Paris for three months.
  10. verb pronominal
  11. [persona, etc.] to stop
  12. automòbil, automobilisme etc. to stop, pull up, draw up.
  13. [procés] to come to a halt.
  14. [mecanisme, etc.] to stop, come to a standstill.
  15. to cease.