
Pronúncia: əsəntá
    verb transitiu
  1. [objecte] to place (firmly), fix, settle (in its place).
  2. [fonaments] to make firm.
  3. figuradament to settle, establish, consolidate.
  4. [principis, etc.] to lay down, establish, set up.
  5. [apuntar] to set down, note down, put in writing.
  6. comerç i mercat [comanda, partida] to enter, book.
  7. [llibre de comptes] to enter up.
  8. verb pronominal
  9. [líquid] to settle.
  10. arquitectura to settle, sink, subside.
  11. [temps, etc.] to settle (down)
  12. to become steady, stabilize (also stabilise UK).
  13. [aliments] assentar-se bé to agree with.
  14. assentar-se malament to disagree with.
  15. les salses no se m’assenten bé sauces disagree with me.
  16. figuradament assentar-se bé to go down well.
  17. assentar-se malament to go down badly.
  18. (ídem) to produce a bad impression.
  19. aquell arrambatge no se li havia assentat gens bé he took that reprimand badly, he didn’t like that reprimand.