Pronúncia: əkí
- [lloc] here.
- aquí baix here below, on earth.
- aquí dins in here.
- aquí mateix right here, on this very spot.
- fora d’aquí! get out!
- d’aquí a Londres hi ha vint milles it is twenty miles (from here) to London.
- passeu per aquí (come \ step) this way.
- viu per aquí (a prop) he lives hereabouts, he lives round here.
- d’aquí estant, des d’aquí from here.
- fins aquí so far, as far as here.
- el tren arriba fins aquí the train comes as far as this.
- no soc d’aquí I am a stranger (in these parts).
- d’aquí a un mes [temps] in a month’s time, a month from now.
- d’aquí a dilluns between now and Monday, by Monday.
- d’aquí allà between now and then, by then, in the meantime.
- d’aquí poc temps before long.
- d’aquí endavant from now on, henceforth.
- fins aquí up to now.
- d’aquí que... and so..., hence..., that’s why...