
Pronúncia: əná
    verb intransitiu
  1. [sentit general] to go.
  2. to move.
  3. to travel.
  4. [a peu] to go on foot, walk.
  5. [amb cotxe, etc.] to go by car, drive.
  6. [amb bicicleta, a cavall, etc.] to ride
  7. anar a Londres to go to London.
  8. anar cap a Banyoles to go (towards \ in the direction of) Banyoles.
  9. anar fins a Girona to go as far as Girona.
  10. aquest camí va a l’estació this path (goes \ leads) to the station; this is the path to the station.
  11. anar a casa to go home.
  12. anar a fons nàutica to sink.
  13. anar i venir to come and go.
  14. vaig i vinc I shall come straight back.
  15. on anem?, on és que anem? where are we going?
  16. hi vaig anar amb cotxe I went by car, I drove.
  17. hi vaig anar amb tren I went by train, I went by rail.
  18. anar a poc a poc to go slow(ly).
  19. anar amb compte to be careful.
  20. anar a les palpentes també figuradament to grope one’s way along, feel one’s way.
  21. aquesta música va a l’ànima figuradament this music affects me deeply, this music really strikes home.
  22. anar a mal borràs col·loquial to go from bad to worse, get worse.
  23. ara va de debò this is serious, I’m in earnest.
  24. anar a la (seva) perdició, anar a la ruïna [procés] to go to rack and ruin.
  25. aquest noi anirà lluny this boy will go far.
  26. anar a la seva to behave selfishly.
  27. anar pels quaranta to go on for 40.
  28. no anar enlloc col·loquial to (lead \ come) to nothing, end in smoke.
  29. [progrés] to go.
  30. com va això? how are things going?
  31. com va l’anglès? how are you getting on with your English?, how is your English coming along?
  32. el negoci va malament business is slack.
  33. medicina to be, go, get along, come along.
  34. el malalt va millor the patient is better, the patient is getting along nicely.
  35. de 3 a 12 en van 9 [diferència] 3 from 12 leaves 9.
  36. va anar de (poc \ res) com no perdés el tren I all but missed the train, I nearly missed the train.
  37. va per tu el pollastre! [intenció] col·loquial it’s referring to you!, that’s meant for you!, it’s your fault!
  38. t’hi va la vida! [jugar-se-la] your life depends on it!
  39. aquest càrrec li va ample figuradament this job is too much for him, he’s not up to the job, he’s not equal to this task.
  40. anar (un objecte) a un lloc to belong in a place.
  41. hi vaig amb 5 euros [jocs] I bet 5 euros.
  42. amb quant hi vas? how much do you bet?
  43. [cartes] to lead, go.
  44. [roba] to suit, become.
  45. aquest vestit (no li va \ no li va bé \ li va malament) this dress doesn’t suit her.
  46. em va bé això? does this suit me?
  47. et va molt bé it fits you like a glove, it suits you to a T.
  48. anar descalç to go barefooted.
  49. anar en camisa to be in one’s shirt-sleeves.
  50. anar amb barret to wear a hat.
  51. anar car [preu] to be expensive.
  52. anar a baix preu to be cheap.
  53. a quant van les maduixes? how much do the strawberries cost?, how much are the strawberries?
  54. [rellotge] to go.
  55. mecànica to act, go, run, work.
  56. aquest rellotge no va this clock is wrong, this clock doesn’t work, this clock won’t go.
  57. anar de ventre to relieve oneself.
  58. [amb un infinitiu] to be going, be about (to do something).
  59. l’espia anava a dir-ho tot the spy was about to confess all.
  60. [amb un gerundi] to occur progressively.
  61. s’anava fent fosc it was getting dark.
  62. el malalt va empitjorant d’un dia a l’altre the patient is steadily growing worse.
  63. [amb un participi passat] anar cansat to be tired.
  64. deixar anar to let go of.
  65. (ídem) to drop.
  66. (ídem) to release.
  67. fer anar to start, make work.
  68. (ídem) to get going, set in motion, set on foot.
  69. no anar enlloc to lead nowhere.
  70. això no pot anar (ni amb rodes) it can’t possibly work.
  71. va com va it depends.
  72. verb auxiliar [used for compound past tense]
  73. no m'ho va dir she didn't tell me.
  74. hi va anar he went there.