Pronúncia: ələɣɾá
verb transitiu
- to cheer (up), gladden.
- to make merry, make happy.
- les bones noves alegren tothom the good news cheer everyone up, the good news make everyone happy.
- to enliven, cheer up, brighten up. verb pronominal
- to be glad, be happy, rejoice.
- me n’alegro molt I’m delighted.
- alegrar-se de, alegrar-se per to be glad about, rejoice at.
- alegrar-se de + infinitiu to be glad to + infinitiu, be happy to + infinitiu.
- m’alegro de veure’l I’m glad to see him.
- m’alegraria que no fos res I would be glad it weren’t anything serious.
- [acció] to cheer up (de at).
- col·loquial to get merry.
- col·loquial get tight.