
Pronúncia: əʒustá
    verb transitiu
  1. tecnologia etc. to fit (a to, into).
  2. to fasten, engage.
  3. [màquina, etc.] to adjust, regulate.
  4. figuradament to adjust, adapt (a to).
  5. [error] to put right.
  6. [contracte] to strike.
  7. [acord, entesa] to make.
  8. [casament] to arrange.
  9. [diferències] to settle, reconcile, adjust.
  10. també figuradament [comptes] to settle.
  11. [preu] to fix.
  12. [criat, dependent] to hire, engage.
  13. ajustar la porta to half-close, leave ajar.
  14. verb intransitiu
  15. to fit.
  16. ajustar bé to fit well, be a good fit.
  17. verb pronominal
  18. [roba] to fit, cling.
  19. to adapt, be right.