
Pronúncia: əʒuntá
    verb transitiu
  1. to join, unite.
  2. to assemble, put together.
  3. to collect, gather (together), amass.
  4. [porta] to half-close, leave ajar.
  5. verb pronominal
  6. to join, come together.
  7. [persones] to meet, assemble, gather (together).
  8. ajuntar-se amb algú to join someone.
  9. (ídem) to meet (up with) someone.
  10. (ídem) to associate with someone.
  11. es van ajuntar per tal d’escoltar-lo they assembled to hear him, they came together to hear him.
  12. em vaig ajuntar a la colla a l’estació I met them at the station, I joined them at the station.
  13. zoologia to mate, copulate.
  14. [parella] col·loquial to live together.