Pronúncia: əɣəfá
verb transitiu
- [mànec, objecte, etc.] to catch (get \ lay \ seize \ take) hold of
- to seize, grasp, grab.
- to hold on to.
- [pilota, etc.] to catch
- agafar algú per la mà to take someone by the hand.
- agafar algú pels cabells to grasp someone by the hair.
- sempre m’agafa les ulleres he always takes my glasses.
- a la duana li van agafar el tabac que portava they confiscated some tobacco from him in the customs.
- [persona, etc.] to catch
- dret to arrest.
- ciències militars to take prisoner.
- [presoner] to take, capture.
- [animal] to catch, capture, trap.
- [peix] to catch.
- [corredor] to catch (up with).
- agafar un lladre to catch a thief.
- ja t’hem agafat! we've caught you now!
- el vàrem agafar en una mentida we caught him in a lie.
- la tempesta ens va agafar encara en mar the tempest caught us still at sea.
- la guerra ens va agafar a França the war caught us in France.
- abans que ens agafi la nit before night (overtakes \ comes down on) us.
- agafar algú desprevingut to catch someone unawares, catch someone off his guard, take someone by surprise.
- agafar les armes (per combatre) to take up arms.
- [obtenir] to get, obtain, acquire.
- agafar els bitllets to (take \ book) tickets.
- agafar un bitllet directe a Londres to book through London.
- agafar un treballador to (engage \ take on) a workman.
- agafar algú (per, com a) guia to engage someone as (one’s) guide.
- he agafat una cuinera nova I’ve got a new cook.
- [malaltia, refredat, etc.] to catch
- [pols] to gather, collect.
- [hàbit] to get, get into, catch, acquire.
- m’ha agafat mal de cap I've got a headache, I have headache.
- agafar un aire de festa to assume a holiday appearance.
- els arbres agafen un color de tardor the trees take on autumn tints.
- agafar un aire innocent to put on an innocent air.
- li ha agafat la mania de córrer he’s caught the jogging craze.
- agafa el que et donin take what they offer you.
- agafar les coses pel bon costat to see the good side of the facts.
- agafar les coses tal com són to accept the facts as they are.
- agafar-ho malament to take it amiss, be offended about it.
- [sentit, significat] to get, understand.
- [mots] to catch.
- radiotècnia to pick up, get.
- [expressió] to pick up.
- [accent] to catch, acquire.
- [tècnica] to pick up, learn.
- amb aquest aparell agafem la BBC with this set we can get the BBC.
- [notes, etc.] to take down
- agafar per escrit to write down.
- agafar taquigràficament to take down in shorthand.
- [mitjans de transport] to take, catch, go by.
- [el tren, el vaixell] to take (the train, the boat).
- agafem el tren let’s take the train.
- li va agafar una crisi de plors [emoció, sentiment, etc.] she broke into tears
- m’agafen ganes d’anar-me’n I’m seized with a desire to go away.
- [espai] to hold, take.
- [àrea, zona] to cover, extend over, take up. verb intransitiu
- to thicken.
- [llet] to curdle.
- [maionesa, etc.] to take
- to congeal, coagulate.
- to set.
- botànica to take root, strike root. verb pronominal
- to hold on.
- agafa’t fort! hold on!, hold tight!
- agafar-se a to hold on to, grip, seize.
- [dues persones] to (grab one another \ grapple with each other).
- s’agafaren a això per no concedir-nos-ho figuradament they used that as an excuse so as not to give it to us.
- vaig agafar-me al comandant per tal d’aconseguir-ho I stuck to the commander to get it, I attached myself to the commander to get it.
- alimentació, indústries alimentàries to catch, burn.
- agafar-s’ho (de broma, a la valenta) figuradament to take it (as a joke, seriously).
- [sentit general] to catch, to be caught.
- se li va agafar la gavardina a la porta her coat (got) caught in the door.