
Pronúncia: əfəktá
    verb transitiu
  1. to affect, have an effect on.
  2. aquest clima afecta els pulmons this climate affects the lungs.
  3. la vaga afecta diverses fàbriques the strike hits several factories.
  4. [emocionalment] to affect, move, touch.
  5. estava molt afectat per la notícia he was much moved by the news.
  6. matemàtiques un nombre afectat d’un exponent a quantity bearing an index.
  7. [fer veure, imitar] to affect, pretend, feign.
  8. to put on a show of.
  9. afectar ignorància to feign ignorance.
  10. dret to tie up, encumber.
  11. [forma, etc.] to take, assume.
  12. [fons] to destine, set aside (a for), devote a to).
  13. verb pronominal
  14. to be impressed.
  15. to be moved, be affected.
  16. afectar-se a alguna cosa to get fond of something.