
Pronúncia: əkəβá
    verb transitiu
  1. [activitat] to finish.
  2. la modista acabarà el vestit the dressmaker will finish the dress.
  3. acabar de fer una cosa to finish making something.
  4. [posar el darrer toc] to round off, put the finishing touches to.
  5. [quedar-se sense] to run out of.
  6. els mestres van acabar la paciència the teachers ran out of patience.
  7. van acabar el vi they ran out of wine.
  8. no (poder-se \ saber-se) acabar una cosa not to be able to get over something.
  9. no m’ho sé acabar I can’t get over it.
  10. verb intransitiu
  11. to arrange.
  12. vaig acabar amb en Pere que fes la feina I arranged that Peter should do the work, I arranged for Peter to do the work.
  13. acabar-ne to obtain, get (de from).
  14. què n’acabes, d’això? what do you obtain from it?
  15. [arribar a un final] to come to an end, finish, end.
  16. acabar malament to come to a sticky end.
  17. aquest mot acaba amb una t this word ends in a t.
  18. el llapis acaba en punta the pencil (ends in \ comes to) a point.
  19. acabar de + infinitiu to have just + past participle.
  20. els convidats acaben d’arribar the guests have just arrived.
  21. quan vas venir, acabava de fer-ho when you came, I had just done it.
  22. no acabo de comprendre aquest llibre I can’t quite understand this book.
  23. verb pronominal
  24. [menjar, beguda, etc.] to finish (eating), finish (drinking).
  25. [amb objecte indirecte] to run out of.
  26. a en Joan se li ha acabat el pa John ran out of bread.
  27. aviat se’ns acabarà la gasolina we’ll soon run out of petrol.
  28. [provisions, etc.] to run out of
  29. [arribar al final] to finish, come to an end.
  30. [morir] to die.
  31. [esdeveniment, etc.] to be all over, be done with.
  32. aquest carrer s’acaba aquí this street ends here.