Pronúncia: dóbblə
- double.
- [porta, flor, sentit, etc.] double
- [control, nacionalitat, etc.] dual
- [roba] double, extra thick.
- [fons] false.
- [cordill] thick, stout.
- figuradament [persona] insincere.
- two-faced, deceitful. masculí plural
- [tennis] doubles.
- cinegètica i teatre double stand-in, stunt man. masculí
- [quantitat] double.
- el doble twice the quantity, twice the amount, twice as much.
- un doble de whisky a double whisky.
- veure-hi doble to see double.
- en doble doubled over, folded, double, in two folds. masculí i femení
cinematografia i teatre
- [home] stunt man.
- [dona] stunt woman.