Pronúncia: dispuzá
verb transitiu
- to arrange, dispose.
- to lay out.
- to put in order.
- to line up.
- l’almirall disposà els vaixells en semicercle the admiral (arranged \ lined up) the ships in a semicircle.
- [preparar] to prepare, get ready.
- han disposat aquesta sala per al ball they have got this room ready for the dance.
- [regular, decidir] to order, decide.
- to provide. verb intransitiu
- disposar de to make use of, avail oneself of.
- (ídem) to have available, have at one’s disposal.
- (ídem) to have, own to dispose of (as one wishes).
- pots disposar del meu cotxe sempre que vulguis you can (use \ make use of) my car whenever you want.
- disposem de poc temps we have very little time (at our disposal). verb pronominal
- disposar-se a +infinitiu to prepare to + infinitiu, get ready to + infinitiu.
- jo em disposava a sortir I got ready to leave.
Pots disposar del meu cotxe sempre que vulguis. You can borrow my car whenever you want.
Disposàvem d’un capital d’un milió d’euros. We had capital of one million euros at our disposal.
Em disposava a sortir quan ha sonat el telèfon i m’han comunicat la mala notícia. I was about to leave when the phone rang and they told me the bad news.
Disposem les cadires de manera que tothom pugui veure còmodament l’escenari. We line up the chairs so that everyone can easily see the stage.