
Pronúncia: dəskuβɾí
    verb transitiu
  1. to discover.
  2. to find, detect, spot.
  3. to bring to light.
  4. to unearth, uncover.
  5. [petroli, etc.] to find, strike.
  6. to see, make out, glimpse.
  7. [placa, estàtua, etc.] to unveil
  8. to expose to view.
  9. to show, reveal, disclose.
  10. li vaig descobrir les meves intencions I revealed her my intentions.
  11. verb pronominal
  12. to reveal oneself, show oneself.
  13. to disclose one’s whereabouts.
  14. to take off one’s hat.
  15. to raise one’s hat (in greeting).