Pronúncia: dəzəpəɾɛ́ʃə
verb intransitiu
- to disappear, vanish.
- to drop out of sight.
- [efectes] to wear off.
- la costa va desaparèixer de l’horitzó the coast faded from the horizon.
- desaparèixer als ulls d’algú to vanish before someone’s eyes.
- els vells amics han desaparegut the old friends have passed away.
- aquesta moda va desapareixent this fashion is going out.
- el mur desapareixia sota l’heura the wall was hidden under the ivy.
- fer desaparèixer (algú \ alguna cosa) to make away with (someone \ something).
- [una taca, etc.] to remove
- [arrugues] to smooth out.