Pronúncia: bəlór
masculí o femení
- [sentit general] value, worth.
- price.
- [d’un segell, moneda] value, denomination.
- matemàtiques i música etc. value.
- importance.
- [d’una paraula] value, meaning.
- objectes de valor valuables.
- sense valor worthless, valueless.
- valor adquisitiu purchasing power.
- valor alimentari (food \ nutritional) value.
- valor (facial \ nominal) face value.
- (ídem) [d’accions] par value.
- valor sentimental sentimental value.
- (concedir \ donar) valor a to attach importance to.
- (ídem) to value, esteem.
- treure valor a to minimize the importance of.
- [coratge] bravery, courage, valour.
- tenir valor de fer una cosa to have the courage to do something.
- armar-se de valor to gather up one’s courage.
- comerç i mercat etc. security, bond.
- stock.
- col·loquial nerve.
- encara va tenir el valor de demanar-m’ho! he still had the nerve to ask me for it!